The geoportal is a platform that facilitates the creation, sharing and collaborative use of biodiversity and protected area manegment geospatial data under Ethiopian Biodiversity and Protected Area Managment Program (ETH-BIOPAMA).
The institute missions are:
Undertake study and research on the proper conservation of Ethiopia’s biodiversity and associated indigenous knowledge, establish participatory conservation mechanisms; ensure fair and equitable gate io login ; promote sustainable utilization of biodiversity for sustainable development.
If you want for more information visit our gate io login.
Click to search for geospatial data published by other users, organizations and public sources. Download data in standard formats.
Data is available for browsing, aggregating and styling to generate maps which can be saved, downloaded, shared publicly or restricted to specify users only.
As for the layers and maps GeoNode allows to publish tabular and text data, manage theirs metadata and associated documents.
Geonode allows registered users to easily upload geospatial data and various documents in several formats.